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Feast Of St. Joseph

Posted by Posted by Fazee on Thursday, March 24, 2011 , under , , , , , , |

Each year in Spain is held in honor of the feast of St. Joseph. Ends with the celebration of huge burning puppets, among which there are policies and just figure that embodies the various events, that occurred during the year.

Japan Earthquake And Tsunami In News Photos And Videos

Posted by Posted by Fazee on Monday, March 14, 2011 , under , , , , |

The world's attention focused today to Japan . Dozens of countries now send their condolences to Japan, already 25 countries offer aid. Victims of the earthquake and ensuing tsunami, according to latest official figures, 133 people were still more than 500 unaccounted for. All are in Japan, the Russian tourists came in contact with diplomats.

An earthquake measuring almost 9 on the Richter scale has already been called the worst in the country's history. Hearth quake was located at a depth of 10 km below the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, off the northeast coast of Honshu Island. But the tremors felt all of Japan. So far, the most powerful earthquake in Japan were considered aftershocks in 1923 a magnitude of almost 8. Then killed 140 thousand people.

The earthquake resulted in a tsunami up to 10 meters. In Fukushima Prefecture wave struck by 5 km deep into the coast. Hardest hit city of Sendai, in which the tidal wave engulfed the whole residential area is completely flooded and the international airport. Destruction or injured there and in Tokyo.

In Miyagi Prefecture, nuclear power plant caught fire. The fire broke out in the turbine hall, to extinguish the fire caused the military. Emergency protection system worked well, units stopped no radiation leaks. The difficult situation on the nuclear power plant in another prefecture - Fukushima. There, specialists cooled reactor zone power to prevent the spread of fire. Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, said that the situation at strategic sites controlled by the authorities.

In Fukushima Prefecture, today broke through a dam - streams of water washes away homes. Giant wave shot down the house, threw on the sand ships. Streams of water flooded the area of ​​the highway with cars. And in the city Sanariku water rose to the level of the third floor of buildings.

Photo: Associated Press, Reuters, Tsunami Warning Center, NOAA / handout, Getty Images, Bloomberg, Kyodo News
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