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Lego House By James Mason (James May)

Posted by Posted by SamSal on Monday, September 7, 2009 , under , |

James Mason (James May) - Designer Lego fan since childhood. This Englishman was the author and implementer impressive and really original idea -- construction of this house only blocks from Lego. The creation of this house took the 272 types of parts Lego, while at the two-storey house in the end it took about 816 million pieces of bricks of the well-known brands.

Lubna al-Hussein Jailed For Wearing Tight Pants

Posted by Posted by SamSal on , under , , |

Lubna al-Hussein had faced 40 lashes for wearing pants deemed too tight and a blouse considered too sheer. The threat of lashes was dropped when a court found her guilty but ordered instead that she pay a fine.

"She is now in jail," her attorney Nabil Adib told CNN. "She refused to pay the fine as a matter of principal."

Al-Hussein will appeal her verdict in an effort to have the conservative Muslim government's decency law declared unconstitutional, Adib said by phone from Khartoum.
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