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962 Tower In Dubai, UAE

Posted by Posted by SamSal on Tuesday, May 19, 2009 , under |

The tender for the construction of a new tower of 962 participant. Dubai, UAE.

This project Blansiak Architects Francois (Francois Blanciak Architects) - a 962-s received for the competition to build a tower, the emblem of the park Zaabel (Zaabeel Park) in Dubai, organized under the premium Tussauds Krupp Eleveytor Evord (TyssenKrupp Elevator Award).

The tower is a mirror image - of the upper and lower part completely repetitive. The round part of the object contrasts with the surrounding business centers. At the bottom of the house the children's library and a series of conference rooms. Traditionally, Islamic architecture, courtyard closes arcade. The upper platform accommodate art gallery, there will be fitted with observation deck with a review of 270 degrees.

All details of the tender: thyssenkrupp-elevator-architecture. Prize categories are divided as follows: First prize - 100 USD 000 and the second - 50 000 dollars, a third - 20 000 dollars. Each contestant will receive a certificate confirming the successful completion of the draft accreditation.

The paper used pictures from the website: Blanciak.

The Spider Cat

Posted by Posted by SamSal on , under |

Cats are great climbers, that’s not a big secret, but a cat climbing up a 13-foot dry wall? Now that’s something you don’t see every day.

Charlie is a very special seven-year-old cat from Falkirk, Britain, who has the very special skill of climbing buildings. As you’ve probably guessed, this is the talent that got him the very cool nick-name Spider-cat.

Charlie began climbing up to his owner’s flat, on the first floor of an apartment-building, after he got bored of waiting for someone to open the front door of the building, after his daily walk around the bloc. One day he just went to the back of his owner’s home, took a long look at the obstacle in front of him and just jumped up the wall. Using his front paws for grip and his behind paws for leverage, he made it up to the first floor and started miaowing until someone opened the door for him. Since that faithful day, Charlie the Spider-cat has been climbing up the dry-wall on a regular basis.

Check out the incredible video of Charlie doing what he does best, after the photos.


Source: dailymail