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107 Year old Malaysian woman started looking for the 23rd man

Posted by Posted by SamSal on Monday, September 14, 2009 , under , |

107-year-old resident of Malaysia Wook Kundor started looking for a new husband, who can become the twenty-third husband, AFP reported on September 14 with reference to the local media. Kundor fears that her current husband, Muhammad Musa, which is younger than her 70 years, may soon leave her for a younger woman. Currently, Musa is a voluntary treatment for drug dependence in Kuala Lumpur, and Wook Kundor feels lonely without him. Mature Malay told reporters he was not going to be alone. "I'm going to get married again, to get rid of the feeling of desolation," - she said. Wook Kundor and Muhammad Musa were married in 2006. Reports of their marriage hit the press, which was associated with age of the bride and a significant difference in age between married couples. Then, various sources reported that Kundor a 21-second or 22-second marriage, but for Musa - the first. Muhammad Musa was boarder Kundor. As they told journalists three years ago, their love came from a sense of mutual respect. Musa Kundor intended to teach the Latin alphabet, and she him - osnvam Islam.

Osama Bin Laden issued an appeal to the American people

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The leader of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden released audioobraschenie "to the American people." As the representatives of IntelCenter - the organization that tracks terrorist publications, the recording lasts about 10 minutes, transmits Bi-bi-si.

Video appeared on an Islamist site.

It is not known what treatment the subject of "terrorist number one in the world", but it should be noted that the record came just days after the anniversary of the tragedy of 11 September 2001.

Last audioobraschenie U.ben Laden was laid out in the Network in June In his speech, the leader of al-Qaeda lashed out at U.S. President Barack Obama, accusing him of involvement in a military operation against militants of the Taliban in Pakistan's Swat valley.

Large-scale operation against the Taliban government of Pakistan has decided to start because the leaders of the extremists broke a peace agreement with Islamabad, concluded in February 2009. In April, 2009. Taliban occupied the villages in the north-western district Buner, thus attempting to expand its influence in the neighboring Swat province.

The fighting had destroyed about 1,1 thousand militants killed 75 soldiers. Nearly 2 million civilians left the Swat valley.

U.ben Laden said that Barack Obama and his administration have sown new seeds of hatred and revenge against America.

The sexiest woman on the planet - Mentally

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The history is full of examples where public people could not withstand public scrutiny of his personal life and went mad. Apparently, the list of accidents can be extended with another victim of show business: the sexiest woman on the planet admitted that she suffers from schizophrenia.
Hollywood beauty Megan Fox, to his 23-th anniversary of coming to the most Olympus kinoslavy, staunchly holds himself in hand and tries not to fall into the scandalous history. Young actress carefully selects roles (good, can afford it), not to abuse its appearance and even embarrassed himself on screen. However, in the still waters, as they say, run deep ...

In a recent interview with the famous magazine Star "Transformers" admitted that a notice for "symptoms of schizophrenia." According to the actress, she is seriously concerned that her life could end just as tragic as the life of the legendary Marilyn Monroe, which, according to widespread version, committed suicide in 1962.

Answering journalists' questions, the actress tried to be very candid, admitting that almost convinced that she was mentally ill. Currently Megan awaits the conclusion of doctors. "I could end up like Marilyn Monroe. I am constantly struggling with the idea that I was a person at risk of, or persons suffering from a form of schizophrenia. I definitely mentally ill", - said M. Fox. In his public confession Megan also admitted that he felt the strongest self-doubt, considers his body and hates unattractive, when looking at her.

Ramadan Around The World, Grand Sunday

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September 11, Muslim pilgrims from around the world who gather to worship the Saudi holy city of Mecca. This is the August 22 this year, the largest since the start of Ramadan prayers. During Ramadan, the Muslim people from dawn to dusk only to water but no food.