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Mexico, 46 Meters Long Sandwich

Posted by Posted by SamSal on Friday, July 31, 2009 , under |

July 31, in the Mexican capital, Mexico City's "sandwich Mexico Day" on more than 200 people with meat, ham, tomato, cheese and other fillings cooperation as long as 46 meters into the Mexico sandwiches, trying to create the world Mexico's longest sandwich record.

11Th International Hot-air Balloon Festival

Posted by Posted by SamSal on Monday, July 27, 2009 , under |

July 25, only a multicolored hot-air balloon in France in the north-eastern town of bleomycin off yet. Lorraine France Eleventh International Hot Air Balloon Festival July 24 in the opening, will continue until August 2, thousands of hot-air balloon "pilots" will participate in the hot-air balloon festival.

International colorful hot-air balloon festival up the sky July 25, only a multicolored hot-air balloon in France in the north-eastern town of bleomycin off yet.

Pippen Playing Magic Bubble

Posted by Posted by SamSal on Saturday, July 25, 2009 , under |

July 23 local time, the Spanish Agency for great International bubble artist Pippen - Boulder bubble in Barcelona for performing arts.

Cody MakKaslend - Little Hero [13 Pics]

Posted by Posted by SamSal on Wednesday, July 22, 2009 , under |

When the family tehastsev Mike and Tina Makkaslendov son Cody was born, doctors dumbfound parents terrible verdict: the child will most likely not survive.
Because of the malposition of the womb, leading to deformation of the vertebral column, baby struck by rare illness - sacral ageneziya. He was born without a tibia and knee joints. Pipsqueak also called for urgent operation on the stomach, gall bladder, as well as intensive treatment with respiratory problems.
The first surgery he had already held on the third day after birth. And then there was fourteen. And the most terrible of them was the amputation of both legs polutoragodovalom aged Cody - almost to the knees.
It was then parnishechke issued his first children's limbs. And Cody managed to learn from them so deftly that soon became a run faster than their healthy peers well and even ride on one artificial leg. And now, in its seven years, and does he still swims, plays soccer, hockey, golf. And not only that - is Karate

"One problem: the son is growing so fast that have to match the new, larger limbs," - Mother complains Cody. In addition, prostheses need different - for walking, to jogging, for climbing on the stairs at the playgrounds. "This is crazy money, and themselves, we would, of course, such costs are not pulled - said Mrs Makkaslend. - But we have helped professionals from local children's hospital. They provide us with prostheses free of charge." Instead, friends and acquaintances Makkaslendov organized a campaign to collect donations to fund the hospital - nasobirali almost one hundred thousand dollars.

Already two years in a row, parents vozyat Cody at international sports competitions for disabled children. And boy there is not a spectator, and the activities of the participants. This year, Cody has already won gold medals in distance running at 60 and 100 meters. But his main passion now - swimming. For basin prostheses are not needed, and it has mostly to work with your hands and feet cults. Fifty meters rabbits Cody swim for thirty seconds, a year ago when he first came to the pool, it takes almost a minute.

It's amazing, but a boy of seven, still do not realize, perhaps, that every day makes a small feat, has become a symbol of inflexibility and the will to life for older people. "We receive many requests from people with disabilities to meet with our son," - says Tina Makkaslend. - There are even a few former soldiers who lost legs in Afghanistan and Iraq. Soldiers write that they are inspired by the example of our Cody. "

Longest Solar Eclipse Of 21st Century

Posted by Posted by SamSal on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 , under |

July 21 (Bloomberg) -- The longest full solar eclipse this century, lasting 6 minutes and 39 seconds in some areas, will plunge cities, including Shanghai, into darkness as it passes over India and China tomorrow.
Shanghai, China’s wealthiest city, will experience 5 minutes of darkness when the moon blocks out the sun at about 9:39 a.m. local time, according to the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon’s orbit moves between the Earth and the sun so that the sun is fully or partially obstructed.

“It’s certainly a buzz because it’s quite beautiful,” said David Thurley, 62, a retired environmental and waste water engineer who traveled from Albury in southeastern Australia to watch the event in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou. “It’s through this demonstration that we know how the solar system works and it’s there for all to see.” Thurley has seen two previous eclipses in Australia and Libya.

Tomorrow’s eclipse is benefiting the tourism industries in China and India that have had fewer visitors because of the global recession and swine flu. The Park Hyatt Hotel on the 91st floor of the Shanghai World Financial Center, China’s tallest building, has fully booked its 2,830 yuan ($414) package for watching the eclipse that includes a night’s stay and champagne breakfast for two.

China posted a 4.8 percent decline in visitor arrivals from a year earlier during the first five months of 2009, according to the China National Tourism Administration. India’s tourist arrivals fell 9.2 percent in the first six months of this year, according to the Ministry of Tourism.

Indian Coast

The eclipse will first be visible at about 5:28 a.m. local time on the western coast of India, before the shadow crosses the eastern states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, according to the Indian Meteorological Department. It will pass over the cities of Surat, Indore, Bhopal, Varanasi and Patna, according to NASA.

Residents of Mumbai won’t get a view of a full eclipse as the path will move just north of the city, according to the U.S. space agency. A full eclipse will also be visible in parts of Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar before crossing into China, according to NASA.

During an eclipse, Hindus offer prayers by visiting temples and turn containers of food and water upside down. Food left uncovered during the event is thrown out or given to beggars. Some Hindus don’t eat or drink during the eclipse and bar pregnant women from stepping outdoors, sewing or using knives. Many immerse themselves in water for cleansing.

Scientific Basis

“There is no scientific basis for the Indian belief that an eclipse is inauspicious,” said Harish Bhatt, dean of the Faculty of Academic Sciences of the Bangalore-based Institute of Astrophysics. “It is just the moon’s shadow on the Earth.”

Such an event enables scientists to study the temperature of the sun’s gases and chemicals, Bhatt said.

In China, the cities of Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, Hefei, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Shanghai will experience a full eclipse, according to NASA.

The ancient Chinese text, Records of the Grand Historian, written more than 2,000 years ago, describes eclipses as indicators of change. China’s State Council, the nation’s cabinet, issued a statement on July 18 calling on local governments to ensure social stability during the eclipse and to prevent the spread of superstition.

The Park Hyatt Hotel in Shanghai has booked rooms for guests coming to view the event, as well as business travelers who have extended stays or are arriving early for the eclipse, said Lillian Zhang, the hotel’s public relations manager.

Eclipses are “stunning and genuinely beautiful,” said Don Rankin, 47, who traveled from London to view the eclipse from Hangzhou with his 14-year-old son. “Whenever you see one, you just wonder when the next one is going to be.” Rankin began planning his trip to China nine months ago. It’ll be the fourth eclipse he’s witnessed.

To contact the reporters on this story: John Liu in Shanghai at jliu42@bloomberg.net; Jay Shankar in Bangalore at Jshankar1@bloomberg.net

Glamour Stiletto Run 2009 (High Heel Race)

Posted by Posted by SamSal on Friday, July 17, 2009 , under |

Perhaps no European city where this has not yet been glamorous race on the stud. Here and in Berlin want to run in the women's typed enough, and a prize of ten thousand euros on the road does not lie. A stometrovku Glamour Stiletto Run 2009 with the result of 14.2 seconds, won the participant number 88, Julia Plesher

Well, that's up to Palestine, followed by Berlin fashion in women's racing at the heels. Yesterday in Tel Aviv was the first in the history of this "glamorous" race. The distance was fifty meters, the height of the heel of seven centimeters in prize money a thousand dollars, plus a trip to Paris for two.


Cool Printer Advertisement With Printer Paper

Posted by Posted by SamSal on Thursday, July 16, 2009 , under |

What looks like a real printer is actually a stack of paper. Top page is printed with the printer image while the single page with the edge print won't show at all and thus can be used like normal paper. Cool idea by advertising agency: Leo Burnett, for Samsung Printer "Imagine long lasting. 100.000 prints per month".

Printer Advertisement (4) 1(Image credit: adsoftheworld).
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Mammatus Clouds Over New York

Posted by Posted by SamSal on Monday, July 13, 2009 , under |

In New York City, on the 26th of June 2009, nature showed one of its most amazing spectacles of the sky, the Mammatus cloud. Looking like something straight out of a science fiction movie it hovered there for enough time for all resident New Yorkers to come out on to the street and watch this amazing sight.

Have a look at these amazing pictures I have gathered from Flickr that showcase the evening. None of these are manipulated in any extreme way. In fact, some were actually taken using a mobile phone.

Image source: flickr

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